Discipleship Conference
August 20-21, 2021
Memphis, TN
Featured Speaker
Pastor Gary Stump
Onward Church, Fishers, IN
Pastor Gary Stump and Onward Church are the rarest of birds in that they have discovered, by God's grace and power, a very successful disciple making process right here in the heart of the USA! They believe that God has called the church to focus on training Christians to obey Jesus—especially as it relates to disciple-making. They do this through teaching the Word, assembling as a community for worship, and keeping it simple in all aspects of the church.
Gary likes to say that he is way too old to play church. Gary describes Onward not as an “attractional” church, but a church committed to growth of both the church and individuals through disciple-making. Gary has been a pastor since 1989 and planted Onward Church in 2011.
Gary says, “As a native Hoosier I was in the business world for almost 20 years, but became a pastor after my wife was killed when our car was hit by a drunk driver. It left me with four children to rear. Through this experience God taught me the value of my faith and my family in a profound way.”
The Discipleship Journey is a path of study that contains the essentials of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Each session in the Onward Discipleship Journey builds upon the other. At the end, you’ll have a strong foundation for your walk with Jesus — you’ll understand what it means to be a disciple and how you can disciple others.
Through the Bible is the second step in a discipleship journey where we explore the entire Bible, book by book. Get a “crash course” on the Bible, the characters, the storyline, and the Message of Christ. By journeying Thru the Bible, new disciples form Life Groups that are the real hub of the church.
Featured Speaker
Greg Bearss
LakePointe Church, Hot Springs, Arkansas
Greg Bearss is a church planter and the founding pastor of LakePointe Lutheran Church. Greg, his wife Kristi, and their four children live in Hot Springs, Arkansas where they started LakePointe Church. LakePointe began in 2006 with 10 families and a passion for reaching people who are far from God, and now averages over 750 in weekly attendance. The focus for LakePointe is reaching those in the community that do not know of God's redemptive love through Jesus Christ. LakePointe strives for authentic innovative ways of reaching out in their community.
By God's grace, in 2011 LakePointe was blessed to baptize over 200 people (mostly adults). Pastor Greg Bearss is a lifetime Lutheran committed to helping leaders grow and make a Kingdom impact in their respective communities. He has a passion for speaking to other leaders and pastors, sharing what God has done and the leadership lessons learned through the growth of LakePointe. Pastor Greg has spoken before many leaders including: Velocity Conference, Best Practices Conference, Mid-South District Convention, LWML District Convention, Oklahoma District Youth Conference, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod National Youth Gathering, and the Lutheran Church Extension Fund National Conference.
He has also served on the Lutheran Church Board for National Church Planting. Pastor Greg currently serves as Lead Pastor for LakePointe Church and is the Mid-South District Church Planting Executive.
Featured Speaker
Robert Newton
Frankfort, Michigan
Rev. Dr. Robert Newton is a prophetic and apostolic voice in the wilderness of American evangelical churchianity. As a former President of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, professor at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Senior Pastor at First Lutheran Church in San Jose, California, and evangelistic missionary to the Kankanaey people in the Phillippines, Newton knows from first-hand experience what it's like to be a "church-insider." He also knows from that experience that it is very difficult for church insiders to raech and connect to Jesus those people who are "church-outsiders," which is a large and growing population in America today.
As one of the pre-eminent thologians and Bible scholars in the United States today, Bob has the wonderful ability to apply ancient biblical principles to the challenges and issues facing today's world and church. He is especially passionate about Discipleship and its ramification on the mission of the Gospel.
Bob is married to Priscilla and has 3 children and 5 grandchildren.
Terry Tieman
Conference Director
TCN Executive Director
Rev. Dr. Terry Tieman began his career in ministry as a parish pastor in Michigan and Arkansas. He then served for 13 years as Mission Executive of the Mid-South District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS).
For the past 13 years, Terry has served as the Execuitve Director of Transforming Churches Network (TCN), which helps churches become more effective in reaching their communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. TCN's transformation process was developed through worldwide research on efffective mission movements and pilot projects and has successfully changed hundreds of churches from the inside out.
Terry is the co-author of several books, including Hinges, People of Passion, and Skill Builders. He continues to gain front-line experience in ministry and discipleship training as Senior Pastor at Grace Celebration Church in Memphis Tennessee, where he began serving in August, 2018. Terry's most recent work has led to the develpment of the TCN Discipleship Process and the TCN Discipleship Conference.
Hotel Information
There are many fine hotels in the Cordova/Germantown area. We recommend The Hampton Inn - Wolfchase Galleria. There are also many restaurants to choose from around Wolfchase Galleria and on Germantown Road.
Conference Schedule
Friday, August 20
8:00 - 8:30 Registration
8:30 - 9:00 Welcome & Opening Devotion
9:00 -10:30 Plenary Session I
10:30 - 10:50 Break
10:50 - Noon Plenary Session II
Noon - 12:45 Lunch
12:45 - 2:30 Plenary Session III
2:30 - 2:50 Break
2:50 - 4:45 Plenary Session IV
4:45 - 5:00 Q & A
Saturday, August 21
8:30 - 9:50 Plenary Session V
9:50 - 10:30 Best Practices
10:30 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 11:30 Panel Discussion
11:30 - Noon Next Steps
Noon Closing Prayer
Grace Celebration Lutheran Church
8601 Trinity Road
Cordova, TN 38016
Jesus started a grassroots Gospel movement that shook the world 2,000 years ago and continues to grow like a tsunami in many parts of the world today! But not so much here in North America...Why? Could it be because we are overlooking the simple, but profound, kingdom principles that Jesus taught his first disciples?
The principles that Jesus presented in the Gospels constitute the basic job description for making and multiplying disciples in fullfillment of his Great Commission and they still work today! However, they must be learned and implemented in the context and culture of your church and community.
Find out how you can begin to do that from practitioners who are doing it right here in North America! Learn from Pastor Gary Stump, Dr. Robert Newton, Rev. Bill Dasch, and the TCN staff, as well as other practioners from across the country.
Go...make disciples!
Transforming Churches Network
1736 Edgeburg Lane
Cordova, TN 38016